Thursday, November 20, 2008

Walking In The Power Of Your Daily Sufficient Grace

I believe that we had crossed paths a few times. If I had not acknowledged you 4 years ago, what would I have become?

I think my EQ would still be very low. I would still be having problems managing my own emotions. I could still be blatantly showing my disgust to anyone and everyone on a bad stormy day. I would not have learnt to cope with circumstances and respond to the needs of other people. I would be thinking more about my own feelings rather than sparing a thought for others.

I would not have forged so many good relationships with my friends from NUS and Church. I would have less friends and probably would have missed out the good and fun times I spent with my friends. I cherish my friends this day and I thank you Lord that you've given me so many. Relationships that are not built on a hi-bye, but on solid shared experiences that bring us closer to one another, especially with my archi mates, cell group and Eusoff Christian Fellowship.

I would not have blessed others and savour the fruits of joy through sharing my personal insights with them. I thank you Lord that you've brought people to me and granted me the privilege to share my life, my walk, my experiences and your word with them. I thank you that you've used me as a tool to bless.

Today, I am reminded of your great works in my life. The people whom you've brought to me and the circumstances which you've allowed to shape me, this piece of stubborn clay. I am still "work-in-progress" but it's alright because I know I am safe in my potter's hands. You know what's best for me and you would bring me to where I should be.

Above all, I need to respond to your touch and allow myself to flow between your fingers and obtain the shape that you desire of me. I like to walk in the destiny that you have for me.