Monday, October 16, 2006

"Lord, make me a crisis man. Let me not be a milepost on a single road, but make me a fork that men must turn one way or another in facing Christ in me. "
Jim Elliot wrote this prayer at the age of twenty-one

"Lord, make me a crisis man. When I heard those words, I knew I too wanted to grow up to be such a man. I wanted to be a crisis man for Jesus Christ.

And so I have spent my whole life on the lookout to develop and implement the best ways to convey the compelling message of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Along the way, however, I’ve come to discover one of the greatest challenges within the evangelism process: to find and strike that important balance between presenting the truths of the Bible with boldness and clarity while, at the same time, keeping my treasured friendships with seekers safely intake. My hope and dream has always been to spiritually impact genuine care and concern for those friends no matter how they respond. And still to this day, my aim is to initiate conversations about spiritual matters in such a way that my relationships flourish and thrive, not falter. "
Adapted from "Seekers Small Group" by Gary Poole
Lord, make me a crisis girl. I desire to be a crisis girl for Jesus! How I wish that each non-believing friend who has interacted with me would eventually be shaken out of their status quo and be provoked positively to reflect on his/her purpose of existence in this temporal world. I pray that those who have met me would be brought into deep thoughts regarding matters of spiritual faith. I do not want to be a milepost on a road. I desire to be a fork that men must face one way or another in facing Christ in me.
My heart resounds with what Gary Poole has written. I desire to touch lives and share the gospel of Christ with my non-believing friends. I desire to spend time and establish genuine relationships with the people around me, so that they could witness the influence of Jesus in my life. I pray that through my friendships with my non-believing friends, Jesus could touch their lives through the words that I speak and through the deeds that I do.

I believe that it is necessary to invest time in the lives of the non-believers. When I spend time and establish relationships with them, I could preach the gospel to them more comfortably as they are more willing and receptive to listen. I could share my testimony with them as a friend who is inviting them to a door of everlasting love, grace and blessings. If they trust and have faith, they might just be opening the door which you lead them to, stepping across the line of faith and entering into a life of eternal happiness.

Isn’t it beautiful to meet your friend in heaven one day and stroll along the beautiful garden above with him? Then, I know that my time and effort spent with that friend when I was on earth are worthwhile.

My Personal Challenge
For me, I am mindful of stepping out of my comfort zone. I have inertia to establish friendships with people, especially to the strangers around me. I admit that I do not break ice easily and greet everyone and anyone whom I meet on the street or the corridor of my dormitory. I know I tend to gather among my Christian friends and some of my closer Non-Christian friends. Holy huddle syndrome... Probably? I ought to learn how to say hi and smile to people whom I am unfamiliar with. I could greet a flower by the road and flash my brightest smile to my dearest hippo softtoy, why couldn't I do it to people?

Lord, Teach me how to love people whom I do not love and know.


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