Sunday, November 12, 2006

An Eventful Morning.

Today, for the very first time in my 4 years here in NUS, that I actually woke up early and jogged to West Coast Park. Praise the Lord! Praise Him because I managed to wake up and have my morning jog.

Today, also for the very first time that I was almost run down by a lorry. I had encountered such incidents in the past when I was walking across roads but the drivers were alert and they slowed down their vehicle. If not, I wouldn't have been blogging this entry today. The incident today happened when I was jogging across the road (this time I was clearly awake and sure that I could cross the road because the 'green man' was running). Here came the lorry which was making a turn. The driver was shocked and he stepped on his brakes immediately while I was stunned momentarily and continued with my jog across the road while pointing to the traffic green man to him.

It was amazing how I was not frighten. At the moment, I could have been knocked down and run over by the vehicle. I guarantee, you won't see me again, smiling and prancing around like a hippo anymore. However, the thought of it after the incident was really scary. It brought me to two clear points.

1) I could be gone from this world anytime, without any prior warning. I could have died from an accident which would be beyond my prediction. Life is just so fragile. One moment I could be breathing, talking and prancing around; the next moment I could be dead. SCARY!

2) But the good news is, my life is assured in the Lord's hands. Immediately after I ran across the road, I laughed to myself jokingly that the Lord still has alot of things for me to do on earth and He won't allow me to die so easily. Ha. My time is not up yet. Our God protects us from danger and harm because in His divine plan and timing, He has a purpose for us on earth. If he hasn't allowed me to leave, I am very certain I have greater purpose on earth because God values me and desires me to serve Him longer on earth. Thank you Lord for you have counted me worthy. =)

Thank God for the lorry incident because I am reminded of your great plans for me on this earth. Although you have yet to reveal your plans to me, I am thankful that I have this VIP treatment and special privilege to serve you, my King. =)

It was a beautiful morning. As I was jogging in West Coast Park, I was immersing myself in the beautiful creation of God. The vast blue sky against the luscious green, the people exercising, a little young girl trying to jog with her Mama while her Mama tried to encourage her by running slightly faster so that the girl would always be chasing after her Mama... Such beautiful sights. I was very blessed. Remember vividly that while I was running in between some trees by the sides of a jogging track, leaves gently fell from the trees when the wind blew.. I was suddenly brought back to Korea where I experienced and enjoyed the beautiful fall when the dried leaves fell on me as I walked by the trees. So enchanting.

After the jog, I cooled myself down and settled my heart down to spend some time with God. Was sitting somewhere, and there were many aunties and uncles sweeping the park around me. I was praying and thanking God for His provision in the past week. Eventually, I was led to pray for the aunties and uncles around me. I was wondering in my mind, "have they heard the gospel?"

My friend once commented that the majority of the Christians belong to the above average income group and there are still many people in Singapore, especially the poor and the lowly educated, are not Christians. I am just thinking if we have neglected these people. I am sure God wouldn't have neglected them. But, as Christians, could we be more proactive in reaching out to these people, to the wanderers who have no home and sleep in various nooks and corners of Singapore (in parks, underpass or just on a bench in CBD), to the very very poor people who are hidden away in this Singapore society and are not widely known, to the elderly who have no other kin and live by themselves all alone, to the road sweepers and the aunties/uncles who clear our plates in foodcourts and fastfood restaurants... Have they heard the gospel? Have the gospel been shared with them?

Isn't it saddening to know that these people who live in this world quietly in their own unconsipicuous corners which are hidden, tugged away and casted in the shadows of economic progress as the Society develops , have no access to the gospel and eventually perish because they are not granted the opportunity to hear the gospel. Here is a group of people who are both physically and spiritually poor and lack of resources. They need the gospel even more urgently. We would never know, they might be a group of people who are genuinely in search of a direction and comfort in life. Lord Jesus Christ could possibly be that comforter, if and only if, the gospel of Jesus is preached to them.

Yesterday, some members of CG shared on their burdens for overseas missions. I have yet to have such burdens for overseas missions. I recognise that Singapore is an affluent, open and fortunate society and there are poorer places in other countries. I recognise the privilege to worship openly and share the gospel unrestrictedly in Singapore while Christians from other countries have to worship behind close doors and share the gospel quietly and discretely because the people are forbidden by the authorities to share their Christian faith.

As much as we would like to emphasize on overseas missions since the people are less privileged than us and they need to hear the gospel, local missions shouldn't be undermined and lowly emphasized. There are still the under privilege people in Singapore who have yet to hear Jesus.

Probably, God is moulding me and leading me into His mission field in Singapore. I do not know. But I trust that He would reveal His plans to me in His time. Even though I question if the under privilege people in Singapore have heard of the gospel and lament to some extent that they might have been forgotten, I will trust God and His promises.

Matthew 24:14
And this gospel of the kingdom WILL be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, AND THEN the end will come.

Apostle Paul's dedication to mission has always encouraged me.

Romans 15:20-20
It has always been my ambition to preach the gospel where Christ was not known, so that I would not be building on someone else's foundation. Rather as it is written: "Those who were not told about him will see, and those have not heard will understand."

He wanted to preach the gopel to people who have not heard of Jesus Christ, so that those who have not heard about Jesus Christ whould have the opportunity to know Him and receive God's gift of salvation.


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