Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Back for the Third Time

I am back because I felt that I have not truly appreciated being in the rag committee. It takes me a long time to really understand and learn to appreciate Rag. During my frist year as a designer, I was disgusted with Rag preparation. I didn't like the retrictive working schedule which couldn't allow me to do other things during the holidays. Spending my entire holiday for Rag preparation was really a big sacrifice. I hadn't really made that sacrifice because I was still busily involved with other things. I had many things on my plate. However, I regretted not spending my attention and time on Rag preparation because I was perpetually busy with other activities like FOC preparation for my faculty, dance classes and helping my professor in an architecture exhibition. I wished I had spent more time with the fellow raggers. I felt so alienated from the committee at the end of the day because I didn't feel like part of the team. Of course, although I have found new friends whom I am close to, I wished I had been a more co-operative team member and spent more "bonding" time with them.

During my second year of Rag, I returned to design costume for the dancers. This time, my rag involvement began with my interest in designing costumes. I joined the committee and met a bunch of fun loving people. My wardrobe team comprised of the most interesting and lovable ladies. I really had a good time working with them and playing with them. They made my Rag experience really enjoyable. I learnt to be involved in team building activities and spent more time with my fellow raggers. Working and preparing for Rag was much easier because the people whom I am interacting with were just so fun and crazy. Although I enjoyed my rag experience, I regretted terminating it prematurely. I left the team one month earlier before Rag Day because I flew to Korea for my exchange programme. The last one month was the most intensive month. I wished I was there to be with the raggers and support them through the intensive working period. Not being able to walk through the remaining journey with the rest of the team was indeed very regretful. My wardrobe mistress cried on Rag Day itself because I wasn't there to see my hard work and design which had been realised on the Rag Day itself.

Hence, I am back for the third time. This time, I promise myself that I would dedicate my time for Rag and Rag only. I truly want to experience this Rag journey from the beginning to the end.


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