Thursday, March 23, 2006

A siociologist's explanation
Increased rationalisation brought about by modernisation of society and implementation of industrial education resulted in people becoming increasing rational and logical. Emprical proof is necessary in explaining a phenomena.

By contrast, people in the traditional society perceived things mostly non rationally, usually intuitively.

When there's an earthquake... People from different eras offer different explanations.

People from a traditional society would say that their gods/ God was angry,
while people from the modern society would explain earthquake as a geographical phenomena caused by the movements of techtonic plates of the earth.

While we examine the increased individual secularisation among the people with decreased religious participation, we should attempt to question the rational explanation. If the existence of an earthquake is explained by the moving techtonic plates, why would then be the existence of the tectonic plates? One would answer that the techtonic plates are parts of the crust surface of the earth. Next, if techtonic plates are part of the earth, why would then be the existence of the earth?

My answer...
Because there is a Creator, a creator of all things on earth, including the earth itself and its atoms.
He is God.

A scientific rational explanation could infact be irrational in its roots. Irrationality is not insanity or ungrounded. Irrationality is beyond one's explanation with an emprical proof. One needs to have faith in order to believe.

The explanation of God is irrational However, this irrationality is frimly grounded in the Word of God, the bible, and Jesus Christ, the rock and foundation.


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