Thursday, July 12, 2007

Fuchun Primary School Anniversary Dinner

Official Opening Ceremony of Fuchun Primary School at its new school campus. There wasn't much for us, the batch that has graduated at least a decade ago, to reminisce since the new campus is foreign to us. There is no longer that familiar big flight of grand staircase which used to lead us from the assembly ground to our classrooms . 'Ever Onward' which used to stand solemnly with great splendour above that grand flight of staircase is nowhere in sight.

I remembered the school for the wonderful teachers, my classmates, the hopscotch, the 'zero-point', the canteen food, and even the 'canon' flowers which adorned the carpark. Somehow, primary school memories are rather vivid as I take them out of my memory safe, bit by bit, and share them with my good old friends. Everyone of us kept a part of the school memories in our personal memory safe. It was a great time of exchange while we ate and laughed at the silly things that we once did with great courage.

It blesses my heart to be back in my primary school, even though the school has now resided at a new location. It blesses my heart to see the positive development of my primary school over the years and my little juniors performing musical in the school hall. It blesses my heart to know that some of the few primary school teachers who used to teach me are still serving in the school.

I'm glad to be a 'Fuchunian' if there's such a word. I am blessed with great teachers who cultivated my interests in the various subjects. When a Korean professor commended me on my command of spoken English, I gladly replied that I had great foundational teachers who taught me the beauty of languages.

It was good to meet my primary school friends. It warms my heart to know that everyone is getting along fine in their lives, one is planning to get married, most are having great careers and a few have met the Lord. And for myself? I am contented and happy to be His princess.


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